• Product Info


    This resource is for the business owner who sells digital products on Stan.

    What it is:
    A simple, easy-to-use Stan Store sales page template.

    Picture this:
    You've created a digital product (or a few) that you're really proud of. You're excited to get them out to the world as fast as you can, so you choose to sell on Stan (nice!).

    Except once you get there, you realize you have no idea what the heck to say on your sales page to make it...sell.

    Now, instead of hiring a copywriter or staring at a blank screen, you can simply open your template, fill in the blanks, add in some custom copy, and voila — your sales page is ready.

    And the best part? You can rinse and repeat for all products to come (smarter, not harder).

     You need this if you …

    • Sell or plan to sell digital products on Stan
    • Don't have the time or desire to write your sales copy from scratch
    • Aren't in the mood to hire a 1:1 sales copywriter